• Unusual fearfulness
• Lack of hygiene or inappropriate dress
• Delayed emotional, intellectual or language development
• Frequent injuries
• Feeding disorders
• Rocking, self-inflicted pain
• Sleep disorders, bed-wetting
• Lack of eye contact, poor socialization
• Acting out in school
• Unexplained scars or bruises
• Malnutrition
• Many school absences
Section 1006.061(1), Florida Statutes, requires each district school, charter school and private school that accepts scholarship students under ss. 220.187 or 1002.39, Florida Statutes, to post in a prominent place a notice that pursuant to chapter 39 all employees and agents of the district school board, charter school or private school have an affirmative duty to report all actual or suspected cases of child abuse, abandonment, or neglect.
Section 1006.061(2), Florida Statutes, requires each district school, charter school and private school that accepts scholarship students to post at the school site and on the schools’ internet site (if available) the policies and procedures for reporting alleged misconduct by instructional personnel or school administrators which affects the health, safety or welfare of a student. The notices must include the contact person to whom the report is made and the penalties imposed on those instructional personnel or school administrators who fail to report suspected child abuse or misconduct by other instructional personnel or school administrators.
Section 1006.061, Florida Statutes, requires the Department to provide sample notices suitable for posting. The attached posters are provided as samples for district schools, charter schools and private schools that accept scholarship students under ss. 220.187 or 1002.39, Florida Statutes. The sample posters may be printed and used as is, may be used in a modified form, or may be used as inspiration to develop a unique poster. Each school or district may also develop its own poster that suits the needs of the school or district as desired.
Phone: (407) 628-0019
Fax: (407) 628-9796
Email: mms@maitlandmontessori.org