We do not offer a standalone 6 to 12 credential. In order to complete certification through age 12, the candidate must hold an AMS 6 to 9 Credential. We offer the 9 to 12 certification as Part C. (Those holding a 6 to 9 credential have already completed Part A and B or their equivalents.)
The program consists of 175 total contact hours covering:
Elementary I and Elementary I/II Courses
Review and Testing for 6 to 9 and 6 to 12 Courses
Adult learners are evaluated to determine their competency in understanding the Montessori philosophy, principles, and use of elementary materials. This section consists of: a review of major presentations; an oral examination on the use of Montessori elementary materials; an examination on Montessori materials, principles, and philosophy; a presentation of albums; a presentation of many materials for “points;” and a presentation of the year-long project.
Upon successful completion of Parts A and B and fulfillment of financial obligations, the program director will recommend the graduate for an AMS Elementary I Credential. Upon completion of Parts A, B, and C, and fulfillment of financial obligations, the program director will recommend the graduate for an AMS Elementary I/II Credential.
Help Children Prosper and Strive
Phone: (407) 628-0019
Fax: (407) 628-9796
Email: mms@maitlandmontessori.org