Mixed Ages
A multi-age setting enhances learning; children learn from one another, and they learn because of each other. Younger children get a chance to look ahead and see what is coming next by watching their older classmates work. Older children have the opportunity to reinforce their knowledge by sharing it with their younger classmates. Younger children emulate older children, and older children reinforce their knowledge by "teaching" the younger children.
A multi-age setting, whether it be preschool or elementary, provides children with opportunities for broad social development. The students' constant interaction with each other teaches them how to get along with children of different ages and abilities, to respect each other's work and work space, and to treat each other with courtesy. The children take an active role in maintaining their classroom, and it becomes a thriving community where everyone is treated with respect and dignity.
Self-confidence develops and children are given the opportunity for even greater leadership roles. Relationships and their complexities are supported by alert and sensitive adults who are trained to observe and enhance social interaction, not to repress it.